New Game?
I hope you aren’t here to watch twitch videos of really good gamers with quirky personalities.
That’s not what KadhimGames is about.
It’s about a longtime journalist, who also loves video games, merging the two worlds for your reading and viewing enjoyment.
I’ve played games my whole life, so I can pick up pretty much anything and play it-- but I’m not on leaderboards for anything.
I'm better at some games than others, but I will play you in anything, and I will lose 700 times to win once.
I bring a unique perspective as someone who has written thousands of other people's stories all over the country.
My wife may tell you differently but I think I’m pretty funny too (not quirky though—chill).
Check Point
I’ve been a local television reporter in different cities for over ten years. The levels have changed, but gaming has always been a constant.
I started as a Photographer in Albany, NY where I grew up. Dude I ripped through so many games in Albany those were some good years. You should check out my Gamer’s Logs I’ll be getting into KadhimGames younger years at some point.
My best bud since Kindergarten Fed moved to Kirksville Missouri with me for my first on-air job. He got a job at the main bar in town and I went on tv every night and drank there after(well not every night..stop judging you move to a small town and tell me what to do with your free time).
We played a lot of drunken Borderlands with our buddy Tristian whom we call Drax. I remember we binge beat Lord of the Rings War of the North there.
We were broke, but the whisky was cheap, and the games and fellowship was all we needed
Feddy headed back home to NY when I got a reporting/producing job in Myrtle Beach, SC. That’s where I met the Zelda to my Link. My Grace.
She was the weekend director and I was the weekend producer. We went together like lamb and tuna fish.
She was a vegetarian, who hates being around people she doesn’t know and has never beaten a game in her life.
I get goosebumps in a butcher shop, will buy and take a shot with every stranger at the pub, and play video games arguably definitely way too much.
All those things are still true but she loves playing the Kingdom Hearts Franchise and trying new games now.
I’m the youngest of three boys, and boy oh boy are they as dumb and smelly as they look. Just kidding they are great and quite handsome and given the right amount of grooming and deodorant I’m sure they can smell OKAY.
Some shit happened and somehow they and my mom ended up moving down to Myrtle Beach.
It was weird like we lived with Sami the oldest and smelliest one and then he moves and Hyder and my mom move down and then me and Grace move and Sami moves back to live with dumb Hyder. I’ll draw you a diagram later just send me a message.
Anyway, Hyder and I always had a madden league, and living together meant we could now do in person in Dirty Myrtle.
We reignited a vendetta with our old nemesis on the Super Nintendo( missed opportunity to rhyme nemesis and Genesis… or is it now?). You can read about all that in this Gamer’s Log.
I Covered a bunch of hurricanes for the news, bought our fish who is named Kevin the Oscar, and some other swim bois. Got a job reporting in Baltimore, Md. Eventually, Gracie got a job directing in DC.
Without Hyder and Fed as roommates, I had to train Grace up FAST. We played through all 3 Kingdom Hearts and the Final Fantasy 7 remake.
It was really fun and not infuriating at all to watch her fail at tasks that I thought were so simple. And then she does this thing when you have unlimited lives but she thought she ruined the whole game so she gets really sad. Cute yes… for a little while.
I love playing the games of my childhood with her though. I’ll get into our couple gaming in a soon-to-be-released Gamer’s Log.
Gracie got the opportunity of a lifetime in Philly.
Her family is right over the bridge in Collingswood, NJ. My mom and Sami are now in West Chester, Pa. and my father, big Saad the Mayor of Harlem, is in Manhattan.
Everyone’s closer—her money is good— the strategy guide says take this route even though I didn’t have a job lined up.
For the first time since I was a Jr. in college, I was looking at a life where I wasn’t working at a tv station. I was about to not have a job at all for the first time since I was 14 flipping burgers and spinning cones( Shoutout to the Huban's and OTF.).
It was terrifying and exciting at the same time.
There is so much more to working in local tv news than what people see in that short time we are on your screens. Think of it like changing out all your armor and spells and setting your shortcuts before a big boss fight.
It’s a stressful gig and you have to love it and be willing to sacrifice to make it.
Thankfully, I hit it off with a news director here in an interview and he brought me in as a freelancer.
When people ask me about it I tell them I’m excited because it will give me more time to do this type of passion work, while also earning a steady paycheck doing what I’m trained and skilled at.
I’m a professional writer with published work all over the country. I’ve also been a photographer and editor for years, I’m going to incorporate that into this website and might just make some quirky videos I made fun of earlier.
Oh yeah, I love sports and esports. The layout of this website was designed with the LA Rams color scheme for a reason. (shoutout to the GOAT Aaron Donald).
If you’ve read this far I’m guessing it’s because you like gaming too and you are extremely bored and stuck somewhere without your Switch.
So this is the save point for you and me. I’m going to keep bringing in new DLC(I’m gonna write more shit like this) weekly.
Thanks for visiting and please subscribe and click on the social links and give the kid a follow.
I don't know what will come out of this new game I’m playing in life, but one thing I will always want to do is tell stories.
I plan on interviewing people like Fed, Hyder, and Grace to get started and share their stories with gaming.
I bet yours is more interesting than you might think. So reach out to me, I’d love to interview people about their experiences and life with gaming.
Eddie Kadhim